About the Local Offer
Rotherham’s Local Offer website is here to help parents and carers find support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
All families need extra support from time-to-time. Whether this support is from relatives, friends, community groups, schools, children’s centres, leisure centres, doctor’s surgeries or specialist groups, any additional help can make a valuable contribution and difference to the lives of people who need them. Knowing what is out there gives you more choice and more control over what support is right for your child.
What is the purpose of the Local Offer?
The Local Offer aims to bring necessary and useful information together in one place, to help children and young people with SEND and their families.
There are two main purposes of the Local Offer:
- To provide clear, comprehensive information, in one place, on the support and opportunities available locally to children, young people and their families as well as what can be expected from local agencies including education, health and social care.
- To make services more responsive to local needs which are shaped by you.
The Local Offer will also provide you with all the information you need to help identify the right support to enable your child to participate fully in, and enjoy, learning and achieving their goals.
What does the Local Offer cover?
The Local Offer covers:
- Education, health and care provision for children and young people with SEND.
- Arrangements for identifying and assessing children and young people with SEND, including arrangements for requesting an Education Health and Care (EHC) needs-assessment.
- Other education provision (outside of schools or colleges, such as sports or arts) and training provision, including apprenticeships.
- Respite support and leisure activities.
- Arrangements for travel to-and-from schools, post-16 institutions and early year’s providers.
- Support to help children and young people move between phases of education and to prepare for adulthood.
How will the Local Offer help me?
The Local Offer will make it easier for you to find out what you need and what you can to do to support your child.
It will explain how different services are accessed, including any eligibility criteria. This will ensure you can see exactly what support is available to you.
It will also help parents/carers to feedback and challenge when they are concerned that their son or daughter isn’t receiving the right support to meet his/her needs or the provision they had been led to expect is not in place.
Working with parents and carers
The Local Offer is developed and written in co-production with parents/carers, with a view to being reliable and beneficial. Other parents can pass on their personal experiences and knowledge gained from being a parent of a child or young person with SEND needs, to help develop the offer and promote ongoing improvement in services.
Content map
You can see a downloadable map of all the content on the Local Offer:
SENDIASS (SEND information, Advice and Support Service)
SENDIASS provides free, impartial, confidential and accurate information, advice and support about education, health and social care for children, young people and their parents on matters relating to special educational needs and disability.
Below is a video that explains what support is on offer from a local “Information Advice and Support Service” and how a local IASS team can be contacted – including how to access the national helpline.
Our upcoming workshops will cover information on special educational needs support in mainstream schools, how to review an Education, Health, and Care Plan and how to undertake an Education, Health and Care needs assessment.
All the workshops are free and can be attended virtually or in person.
To view, book or subscribe to our workshop page please click the link below:
We have a number of YouTube recordings for information, advice and support around Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The videos cover information on:
- Exclusions
- Things to consider for tribunal
- Education Health and Care plans
- Support in school
- Videos created by the young people from the Guiding Voices group
@RotherhamSENDIASS YouTube
Help and support
Visit our website to find information on: support with education, attendance and exclusions, EHC assessments, rights of mediation, moving schools and transport.
In these sections you can find model letters, fact files, information on how to prepare for meetings workshop videos and lots more.
You can contact us with any special education needs or disability enquiries online or by telephone.
Click below for the online form:
Telephone: 01709 823627
My new baby has some additional needs
Having a baby is a major life event for anyone, even if everything goes smoothly. If things haven’t quite gone to plan, you may feel in need of some extra support as you adapt to the unexpected.
Your baby may be under specialist medical teams locally, under Sheffield Children’s Hospital or at specialist centres further afield.
In Rotherham, there are a number of services and teams that are there to help you. Every family is different so it is important that you get the right help from the right people at the right time. Although local practitioners may not be specialists in your child’s medical condition, they will be able to signpost you to the general support available locally that might make life a bit easier.
The neonatal unit at Rotherham Hospital
Formerly known as Special Care Baby Unit, the Neonatal Unit provides specialist care to premature babies and other babies needing hospital care or treatment after birth.
The unit works with other hospitals in the region to make sure that all babies get the right medical care:
- Babies who are very premature or poorly are routinely transferred to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in another hospital where they have the facilities to offer long-term breathing support and highly specialist care. Once they start to recover these babies are usually transferred back to the unit in Rotherham.
- Babies requiring surgical care are routinely transferred to a Neonatal Surgical Centre. These babies are sometimes transferred back to the unit in Rotherham after surgery.
If your baby needs to be admitted to the neonatal unit it can be a very worrying time. The staff will support you whilst your baby is in the unit. As a parent or carer you are an important and invaluable part of your baby’s care so there is an open visiting policy enabling you to be with your baby at all times, day and night.
If you know before birth that your baby will need the neonatal unit, you are welcome to visit to familiarise yourself with the unit and meet the team.
For more information about the neonatal unit, click below:
Neonatal unit | The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
The neonatal outreach team
Preparing for your baby to come home from the neonatal unit can feel exciting but may also feel daunting. The neonatal outreach team works with premature babies born at or before 34 weeks, including those who are coming back home to Rotherham from a specialist unit elsewhere. It also works with babies who have a low birth weight (under 2 kilos) or significant medical needs. It helps parents to get ready to take their baby home and will offer support for the first 6 weeks of being at home.
The team also organises monthly group sessions that bring families with premature or babies with medical needs up to 1yr of age (including full-term ones) together, so they can enjoy socialising with their new babies in a safe environment, support each other and pick up useful information.
For more information about this team and contact details, contact the neonatal unit and ask for the neonatal outreach team.
The children’s community nursing service
Some babies may be well enough to leave hospital but still need access to medical support, equipment or monitoring. They may need oxygen, additional feeding support via a tube, injections or post-operative wound care. The community children’s nurses deliver care at home and work with parents to give them the skills and confidence they need to look after their new baby’s day to day medical needs. They can also provide medical supplies.
For more information, click below:
Children’s Community Nursing Team | The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
The 0-19 Public health nursing service (which includes health visiting)
The 0-19 service is there to support all families with advice and support they need to make sure their children make progress in their development, keep healthy and stay safe.
The 0-19 has strong links with the neonatal outreach team. There is a link practitioner who works in both. This practitioner will act as the named health visitor for any baby who has previously been under the neonatal outreach team until they reach 2 yrs of age. This makes it easier for families to get health advice on topics such as bonding, weaning and sleep that takes into account their baby’s birth history and particular needs. The named health visitor may also suggest that other members of the 0-19 team, such as nursery nurses, offer a block of sessions to help with a specific issue.
For more information, about the 0-19 service, click below:
Rotherham Parent Carer Forum
Rotherham Parent Carers Forum brings together the families of babies, children and young people who have additional needs. They provide a wide range of support and activities, including free counselling and ‘SEND connect’ sessions where parents can meet others in a similar position for mutual support, to share ideas and to make new friends.
For more information, click below:
The child development centre (CDC)
If your baby has been given a diagnosis that means they are likely to need ongoing support with their medical needs and overall development, they are likely to be referred to the team at the child development centre. This is a specialist team made up of doctors, nurses, therapists, a psychologist, early years practitioners and a specialist teacher. They provide a ‘one stop shop’ service for 0-5 yr olds tailored to the needs of individual children and families, linking in with specialist teams elsewhere (like at Sheffield Children’s Hospital) when needed.
For more information, click below:
Child Development Centre | The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
Getting help with early years education and childcare
In Rotherham, we want to make sure that every child gets the right opportunities to learn and grow – and that all parents are supported to go back to work if this is what they want to do. Health practitioners work closely with the education and childcare teams in Rotherham to try to make sure this happens. Passing on the names of children who may need some additional support in school or nursery makes sure that no child slips through the net. This is not just good practice – it’s a legal duty.
For more information about support with learning (including the Portage Home visiting service) and help finding childcare, click below:
General information and support
Bliss, the charity for babies born premature or sick, offer emotional and practical support to families. They can help them with the knowledge and skills they need to get the best possible care for their baby, for however long they live and for however long their stay in neonatal care.
They provide information about caring for premature and full-term sick babies at every stage of their hospital journey, and after they have gone home.
Through their network of dedicated volunteers they provide face-to-face and email support, meaning families have access to practical information and a listening ear when they need it the most.
Autism Information and Advice Service (AIAS)
We are a post diagnostic service which offers information and advice to families relating to autism.
We offer training in a range of areas that is designed to increase knowledge, build confidence, and increase resilience through practical strategies, guided learning and shared experiences. Training is for parents and carers of young people 0 – 25 who are on the neuro pathway or have an autism diagnosis. The child or young person will also need to be registered with a Rotherham GP Practice.
Advice sessions
We offer one-hour bookable advice sessions with an autism family practitioner. These sessions offer opportunities to explore family, home and community-based difficulties that are related to their autism diagnosis. We can also offer telephone or locality-based appointments where appropriate.
Advice sessions are open to:
- Families of children who have had a new diagnosis of autism and have been discharged from the Child Development Centre
- Families of children who have received a new diagnosis of autism and been referred from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Families of children with a recent private diagnosis of autism
- A young person 18-25 years who has had a recent diagnosis of autism
- All children/young people would need to be registered to a Rotherham GP Practice
The booklets aims to provide simple straightforward information to support children and young people with a social communication difficulty including Autism. The booklets cover:
- Know your child
- Communication
- Social Interaction
- Sensory Issues
- Behaviour
- Strategies
We provide families with copies of ‘Basic Strategies to support children with Autism’; this is available in English, Punjabi, Urdu, Polish, Slovak and Mandarin.
You can also download the book on the links below:
Who can refer?
Referrals for advice sessions and training can be made by the Child Development Centre and CAMHS.
Referrals for training can be made by social workers, Early Help workers and families themselves.
What we cannot offer
Ongoing/ intensive support to families who have children / young people with Autism or to young people aged 18-25 who have an autism diagnosis.
For any further information please contact us on 01709 336404
Autism Information and Advice Service: Training Schedule
Welcome to the list of available training from the Autism Information and Advice Service.
All of these sessions are accessible through Microsoft Teams
To book please click:
Autism Information and Advice Services booking request (RMBC)
Understanding Autism
Gives a basic understanding of current thinking around autism and to reflect on differences in autistic social communication and interaction, behaviour, and sensory processing. Parents and carers booking on to this session are encouraged to also book on to the Considering Behaviours training.
- Monday 25th November 2024 – 10am to 12:30pm
- Thursday 20th March 2025 – 10am to 12:30pm
- Thursday 24th April 2025 – 10am to 12:30pm
- Monday 23rd June 2025 – 10am to 12:30pm at Kimberworth Place
- Thursday 27th November 2025 – 10am to 12:30pm
Sensory Workshop
To gain an understanding of sensory modulation and how this affects your child and to learn about typical sensory presentations.
The training is run over 2 weekly sessions.
2025 training
Group 1
- Monday 14th April 2025 – 6pm to 9pm
Group 2
- Thursday 17th July 2025 – 10am to 1pm at Kimberworth Place
Group 3
- Monday 3rd November 2025 – 6pm to 9pm
Considering Behaviours
Learn how autism influences and shapes our children’s thinking and behaviour, how to unpick behaviours and reactions and how to use the iceberg and STAR model to analyse behaviour and shape change.
It is recommended that parents/carers attend the Understanding Autism session first unless they have a good understanding of current thinking around autism.
- Monday 2nd December 2024 – 10am to 12:30pm
- Thursday 27th March 2025 – 10am to 12:30pm
- Thursday 1st May 2025 – 10am to 12:30pm
- Monday 30th June 2025 – 10am to 12:30pm at Kimberworth Place
- Monday 4th December 2025 – 10am to 12:30pm
Teen Life
Teen Life is course for parents and carers of autistic young people aged 10 to 16. It aims to help them to understand more about autistic teenagers, discussing strategies and sharing ideas about how to communicate with and support autistic young people.
The training runs over six weekly sessions.
2025 training
Group 1
- Session 1: Thursday 16th January 2025 – 10am to 12pm
- Session 2: Thursday 23rd January 2025 – 10am to 12pm
- Session 3: Thursday 30th January 2025 – 10am to 12pm
- Session 4: Monday 6th February 2025 – 10am to 12pm
- Session 5: Monday 13th February 2025 – 10am to 12pm
- Session 6: Monday 27th February 2025 – 10am to 12pm
Group 2
- Session 1: Thursday 5th June 2025 – 6pm to 8pm
- Session 2: Thursday 12th June 2025 – 6pm to 8pm
- Session 3: Thursday 19th June 2025 – 6pm to 8pm
- Session 4: Thursday 26th June 2025 – 6pm to 8pm
- Session 5: Thursday 3rd July 2025 – 6pm to 8:30pm
- Session 6: Thursday 10th July 2025 – 6pm to 8:30pm
Group 3
- Session 1: Monday 8th September 2025 – 10am to 12pm
- Session 2: Monday 15th September 2025 – 10am to 12pm
- Session 3: Monday 22nd September 2025 – 10am to 12pm
- Session 4: Monday 29th September 2025 – 10am to 12pm
- Session 5: Monday 6th October 2025 – 10am to 12pm
- Session 6: Monday 13th October 2025 – 10am to 12pm
Autism East Midlands
Autism East Midlands provide a wide range of care, support and educational services to meet the needs of autistic individuals of all ages, and their families and carers.
Autism East Midlands (autismeastmidlands.org.uk)
Autism East Midlands Parent Workshops
Autism East Midlands: Parent Workshops
Location: | Delivered over Zoom |
Time: | Varies, but usually 7-8.30pm on a weekday evening |
Cost: | Free to attend |
Suitability: | Parents/carers of children under 18 |
What’s on? | |
Tuesday 15th October 2024 | Introduction to Autism |
Tuesday 19th November 2024 | Autism and Girls |
Tuesday 17th December 2024 | Promoting Positive Behaviour |
January Date TBC | Autism and Sleep |
Tuesday 18th February 2025 | Autism and Sensory Differences |
Tuesday 18th March 2025 | Autism and Schools |
Tuesday 15th April 2025 | Autism and Claiming Disability Living Allowance |
Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with zoom or are uncomfortable with appearing on screen. We can arrange a practice Zoom beforehand if you feel that would help just ask! During the actual workshop there is no pressure to have video or audio on, so you can just watch the presentation.
If you would like to attend any of the above dates, please email lesley.lock@aem.orq.uk at least 24 hours before the workshop you would like to attend.
See the Autism East Midlands website for more details about their workshops:
Autism East Midlands Rotherham Family Support Hub
The aim of the hub is to offer support and a safe space for families who have children on the Autistic Spectrum. These are drop in sessions for the whole family to enjoy. Children (including siblings) can participate at their own pace with support from parents and our staff team. Families can engage in activities or sit back and enjoy some refreshments, whilst talking to other families and sharing experiences or speaking with staff for advice and support.
There is a charge of £1 for refreshments, and we would also be really grateful if you could donate what you can afford towards the running of the session. Cash is preferred.
No need to book a place – just turn up – but feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Venue – The Unity Centre St. Leonard’s Road, Rotherham, S65 1PD
When – Usually the 4th Saturday of the month, 10am-12noon
- January 25th
- February 22nd
- March 22nd
- April 26th
- May 24th
- June 28th
- July 26th
- August 23rd
- September 27th
- October 18th (moved)
- November 22nrd
- December event TBC
For further information contact:- chris.smith@aem.org.uk
You can download a poster for this event.
Rotherham Autism Family Support Hub: 2025
You can find details of other support hubs that AEM operate in the East Midlands by visiting their website:
Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online and involves many different kinds of behaviour, including exclusion from activities and physical violence.
What can you do?
- The best thing to do is to tell someone like a teacher or parent so that they can help you. If you try to fight-back you might make things worse or get into trouble.
- Walk away from the situation as soon as you can.
- Keep a diary of what the bullies are doing and saying, when and where they are doing it.
- Remember it is a criminal offence to send threatening and offensive phone messages and if it continues it can amount to harassment. The police can and do take action.
- Speak to a member of school staff – schools have anti-bullying policies which say what they have to do to help you. Teachers have a duty to look after you.
What to do if your child is being bullied
- Talk to the school and ask to see their anti-bullying policy.
- Keep a record of incidences and show this to the member of staff supporting your child.
- Help your child to relax at home and encourage them to turn off their phone if they are experiencing cyber-bullying.
- Teach your child how to stay safe online.
- If your child has been impacted emotionally by bullying or they are struggling with their mental health, they may benefit from counselling. Speak to your GP for advice.
Bullying support and information
The charity Contact has produced a guide for parents who have a child with SEND who is being bullied; you can open this in the links below.
Guide for parents with SEND
View advice from Contact for parents of children with SEND
Different but equal anti bulling showcase
View the different but equal anti bullying showcase
Bullying and Autism
Visit Anti-Bullying Alliance website
Cyberbullying and SEN/disability
Visit Anti-Bullying Alliance website
Child safety online: a guide for parents and carers
Disputes, complaints and disagreements information and support
We all want to achieve the best outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs or a disability.
However, sometimes things may not go as you wish and you may want to raise an issue of concern.
Changes to the powers of the SEND Tribunal – Rotherham SEND Local Offer
Complain about a Council service for children and young people
SEND complaints: guide for young people aged 16 to 25 in education
You can ask for support in raising issues of concern from
or Rotherham
(Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service).
SENDIASS provides free impartial, confidential and accurate information, advice and support about education, health and social care for children, young people and their parents on matters relating to special educational needs and disability.
Below is a video to help children and young people with SEND and their parents learn about the service and support on offer from their local “Information Advice and Support Service” and how a local IASS team can be contacted – including how to access the national Helpline.
Complaints about health services
When making a complaint you can choose to complain to either the healthcare provider i.e. the organisation where you received the NHS service, for example your hospital or healthcare provider or the NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group which is the organisation that paid for the service or care you received.
Complain to NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group
Complain to Rotherham Hospital
Formal Disagreement Resolution
The Disagreement Resolution Service is there to help resolve three kinds of disagreement between parents or young people and the organisations that are responsible for making provision for children and young people with special educational needs. These are:
- How early years providers, schools and further education institutions carry out their duties for children and young people with SEN.
- The special educational provision made for a child or young person by early years providers, schools or further education institutions.
- Health or social care provision when this part of an EHC needs assessment, while EHC plans are being drawn up, reviewed or when children or young people are being reassessed.
Feedback on the Local Offer
We welcome any feedback or comments both good and bad about the Rotherham SEND Local Offer.
You can click on the bar at the top of the screen to access a feedback form. Here you can give us details about your experience of using the Local Offer.
You can click on the tab on the left-hand side of the screen from any page on the Local Offer to rate your experience and leave a brief comment.
There is also a feedback form available on the Rotherham Council website:
Leave a comment about the SEND Local Offer
Alternatively you may wish to complain about the service.
Complain about the SEND Local Offer
Disagreements about the EHC process or plan
If you are unhappy with decisions made about the local authority’s EHC assessment or EHC plan, please talk to the SEND Assessment Service Manager in the first instance on 01709 822660. It is important that you do this as soon as possible due to timelines around mediation and tribunal appeals.
Mediation is a type of disagreement resolution for EHC related disagreements that can be appealed to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal. The service is free and confidential.
If parents and young people want it to, mediation can take place following decisions by the local authority not to carry out an EHC needs assessment, not to draw up an EHC plan, after they receive a final EHC plan or amended plan, following a decision not to amend an EHC plan or a decision to cease to maintain an EHC plan.
Appealing the outcome of an EHC request, assessment or plan
If you are unhappy with the outcome of an EHC request, assessment or plan and have not resolved this through contacting the service or mediation you may be able to appeal to the Tribunal.
Rotherham SENDIASS has more information about the appeals process and offers independent advice and support should you wish to proceed with an appeal.
Families in the armed forces
Find information and advice for families in the armed forces.
The Children’s Education Advisory Service (CEAS)
CEAS is an information, advice and support service for families in the armed forces. CEAS provides authoritative, confidential, impartial advice to service and eligible MOD civilian families on a wide range of educational issues including:
- parental rights and responsibilities
- children or young person’s rights and responsibilities
- special educational needs and/or disability
- school admissions and appeals
- overseas education in non-MOD school areas
- retention of quarters for educational purposes
- continuity of education allowance
CEAS registration
All Army families with children with special or additional needs should note that Registration with CEAS is required under AGAI 108 and families from the RAF and Royal Navy are strongly encouraged to do so.
Special educational needs and/or disability (SEND/AN)
Telephone: 01980 618244
Email: enquiries@ceas.uk.com
Getting the right support
Local Authority Statement of Expectation Regarding Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND)
Everyone deserves a fair start in life and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council is committed to giving every child and young person aged 0 to 25 the opportunity to reach their full potential. Education plays a critical role in achieving this.
All families need extra help from time to time. For children and young people who have a Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND), different levels of support are required at different times. Children and young people with the most complex needs, as well as their parents and carers, may need access to ongoing support and advice.
We aim to provide a range of support so that children and young people with SEND can be educated and enjoy social opportunities alongside their peers in their local community, wherever possible. As a result, we are working with families, schools, health and other agencies to provide and develop services that enable children and young people to have to provision which is appropriate to their special educational need and/or disability.
These pages set out what you can expect to be available for children and young people who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Rotherham across education, health and social care services. There is a lot of help available and we aim to enable you to get the right support and advice for your son or daughter and family when you need it most.
It is important to remember and acknowledge from the beginning that it is not just the practitioners and specialist services that can help you and your family. For many people, it is the help and informal support of their family and friends, and the support of their community, that is most valued and makes a significant difference.
Services that everybody can use (the universal services) such as children’s centres, schools, leisure centres and your doctor’s surgery can provide really valuable support. Practitioners can also work together to provide joined up services. There is also a range of services that can provide very specialist support at times when it is most needed.
It is a combination of informal and formal support that can provide your family with the help you need most and your child with the best opportunity to realise their potential.
Whilst for most children, young people and parents, education and learning is a positive and enjoyable experience and opens up opportunities for life; some parents may have anxieties about it, particularly if their son or daughter has a Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND). For a child or young person with SEND, deciding whether a mainstream or a special school will be the best setting is very important and there are a number of people who can help you make the right decision.
All children and young people living in Rotherham, regardless of whether they have SEND, have the right to the highest standard of education and the widest variety of opportunities to develop academic, personal and social skills. To make the most of the educational opportunities available and to maximise their progress some children and young people may need additional help or support.
All schools and colleges in Rotherham have the same duties towards special educational needs and disabilities and are expected to provide support for children and young people who have additional needs.
These duties come from the Children and Families Act 2014 and the national
The majority of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) will have their educational needs met in their local area and attend mainstream schools. All schools have a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and post-16 providers such as Dearne Valley College, Rotherham College and Thomas Rotherham College have a named person responsible for SEND. These staff members will have specialist training and are responsible, along with the Head Teacher or Principal, for ensuring that children and young people’s needs are met.
You can also get support online from organisations such as the National Association for Special Educational Needs (nasen) – a charitable membership organisation that exists to support and champion those working with, and for, children and young people with SEND and learning differences:
Local Authority expectations
The Local Authority expectations of all mainstream education settings, including nurseries, early year’s providers, schools and colleges is to:
- Focus on the quality of teaching for all children and develop different approaches to meet the needs of individual children and young people
- Follow the graduated response to need, to meet the needs of children and young people
- Identify children and young people with special educational needs quickly and accurately so that support can be put in place
- Inform parents when pupils receive support for special educational needs and involve them in reviews of progress
- Meet their Equality Act duties for children and young people with disabilities
- Meet the needs and objectives identified in a Statement or Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) for children and young people with additional needs
- Have a regularly reviewed special educational needs and disabilities policy, which is available to all parents of children and young people with additional special educational needs
- Produce and publish online an SEN information report (post 16 settings do not need to do this, but it would be considered to be best practice)
- Work in partnership with children, young people and their parents
- Delegate resources fairly, efficiently and in response to identified need
- Set out the support and provision they provide for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities
- Appoint a suitably qualified or experienced teacher as Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). In post 16 settings they must have a named person responsible for SEND.
- Co-operate with the Local Authority regarding the Local Offer.
- Should co-operate with the local authority
- Consider to have a member or a sub-committee with specific oversight of the school’s arrangements for SEND (this is identified as being good practice)
- Must publish information about the arrangements for the admission of disabled children
- Should ensure the SENCO is a qualified teacher who is either on the Senior Leadership Team or has a direct link to the leadership team
- Should determine and monitor the key responsibilities of the SENCO
- Must include an SEN information report on the school website
- Must inform parents and young people if the child or young person is receiving special educational provision and is on the SEN register
- Must use their ‘best endeavours’ to ensure that special educational provision is made for a pupil
- Must admit a child or young person to their school where they are named in the Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)
- Must ensure that arrangements are in place to support pupils at school with medical conditions.
The Head Teacher
- Should take overall responsibility for implementing the SEND reforms
- Ensure that the SENCO is able to influence strategic decisions about SEND
- Ensure the wider school community understands the implications of the reforms for whole school improvement (from governors to classroom teachers and teaching assistants)
- Put in place arrangements to ensure parents are regularly engaged in discussions about the progress of their child (at least three times a year)
- Ensure a process is in place for involving parents and young people in reviewing provision and planning for those currently at SEN Support and any newly identified pupils with SEND
- Develop relationship with post-16 providers and explore how they will support pupils with SEND with their transition to post-16 education.
SENCOs should
- Oversee the day-to-day operation of school’s SEND policy
- Co-ordinate provision for children with SEND
- Liaise with designated teacher where a Looked After Child has SEND
- Advise on graduated approach to SEND Support
- Liaise with parents of children with SEND
- Link with other education settings and outside agencies
- Liaise with potential next providers of education
- Ensure that SEND records are up to date
- Monitor and track the progress of SEND children/young people.
In Post 16 settings the named person with an oversight of SEN provision should have a role similar to that of a SENCO.
The class / subject teacher should
- Focus on outcomes for the pupil: Be clear about the outcome wanted from any SEND support
- Be responsible for meeting special educational needs: Use the SENCO strategically to support the quality of teaching, evaluate the quality of support and contribute to school improvement
- Have high aspirations for every pupil in their care: Set clear progress targets for pupils and be clear about how the full range of resources is going to help reach them – using quality first teaching to ensure a differentiated approach to learning, for all pupils
- Involve parents and pupils in planning and reviewing progress: Seek their views and provide regular updates on progress.
Support staff should
- Support the inclusion of all pupils, ensuring they have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop
- Have an in-depth knowledge of all the children with SEND needs in class, including barriers to learning and targets set.
Further information and support
Education settings should follow the graduated response to need, in order to meet the needs of children and young people receiving SEND support or have an Education Health and Care Plan.
The following documents provide Information for Education settings regarding the graduated response to need:
Rotherham’s Graduated Response
Identifying SEND
View the Identifying SEND document
View the Support in Education pages on the Local Offer
SEND system flow charts (co-produced by the Department for Education and Special Needs Jungle)
Special Needs Jungle has worked with the Department for Education in devising a series of easy-to-understand flow charts that detail how the new special educational needs and disability system should proceed.
Below are four flow charts detailing the process for SEN Support; how to seek an assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP); how an EHCP assessment should proceed; and what to do if your child is refused an assessment, a plan, or if you have a complaint.
Visit the Special Needs Jungle website
Information for parents and carers regarding the Education, Health and Care Plan process
View the Special Education Needs Assessment and Planning document
Finding activities for your child or young person
When looking for activities for your child or young person, we recommend you check the accessibility and suitability of an event or location in advance so you can be confident it caters for all your needs. Visit the company’s website or contact them directly.
For activities on the Local Offer which have not been commissioned by the Council, no safety or quality checks have been undertaken by the Council regarding these provisions. It is the responsibility of parents and carers to ensure that any activity and location meets your requirements of suitability, safety and accessibility as the Council cannot provide assurances to that effect.
Below is a downloadable checklist you might want to use when considering an activity for your child.
There are 15 public libraries across Rotherham. They have a wide range of books available to loan to library members. They also offer a range of services and support to people in Rotherham. They have classes and activities available for the public.
There is information about how to join, and details on how you can use library services on the Rotherham Council website.
What libraries can offer
All the libraries in Rotherham have joined the safe places scheme. This means that you can get help if you are anxious, scared or at risk while you are out and about and need support.

For more information about the Safe Places scheme, click on the link below:
Safe Places (safeplaces.org.uk)
Joining a library is free and all libraries offer a wide range of services including:
- FREE Book loan and request service, including large print books, graphic novels, dyslexia-friendly books, audio books, e-books and e-magazines.
- FREE Wi-Fi
- FREE Use of Computers and scanners with digital assistance available, if required.
- New Wi-Fi print process available – From a library computer, from your own smartphone, laptop or tablet, from home or, anywhere else (please speak to a member of staff for details)
- Printing and Photocopying facilities available at a cost (please speak to a member of staff for details)
Some also offer
- Dedicated SEND friendly quiet spaces
- FREE Phone for contacting Council departments
- FREE Hearing Aid Batteries (For customers registered with Action for Hearing)
- FREE CPR Kit available for organised groups to use for training sessions.
- Blue car badge assisted digital support
- Concessionary Travel Pass Verification
- Meeting room available for hire.
- Water or drinks available
- Housing Benefit, Council Tax and Blue Car Badge appointments are available for people who meet the eligible criteria.
- Working Win. Assistance with job search related activities. By appointment only
Library books support
Get books delivered to your home
This free service caters for those residents who cannot get to a local branch library due to ill health or disability. A member of our team will assess you for eligibility and will take note of your interests and needs; whether that is large print or ordinary print books (both fiction and non-fiction) or talking books on CD or as a download from our catalogue. Our friendly, experienced team will then pick your items and deliver them to your door on one of our regular routes across the Borough of Rotherham.
We can deliver up to 20 items per visit and the items are issued to you for a period of 8 weeks, so there is no need to panic about hurrying to finish a book or CD. We are able to obtain books from all the libraries across Rotherham by request, so you won’t miss the latest release from your favourite author.
Call 01709 823886 for more information
Rotherham Libraries
Here are further details about the libraries in Rotherham and what they offer.
Aston Library
Aston Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Worksop Road, Sheffield S26 4WD
- 01709 254134
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9am to 5pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 5pm
- Wednesday: 9am to 7pm
- Thursday: 9am to 5pm
- Friday: 9am to 5pm
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Accessible toilet facility
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Car park with marked bay for disabled users
- Free Wi-Fi connection
- Library is on one level
- Ramp access suitable for wheelchairs
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
Aston Community Library and Customer Service Centre (AccessAble.co.uk)
- Reading groups
- Cost of living support
- Crafting sessions with adults
- Games sessions for adults
- Support with hearing aids
- Homework club
- IT courses for beginners
- Code club
- Lego club
- Rhyme time and other preschool groups
- Housing Benefit, Council Tax, Blue Badge & Rothercard appointments
Brinsworth Community Library
Brinsworth Community Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Field View, Brinsworth, Rotherham S60 5DG
- 01709 255050
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9am to 12:30 pm, then 1:30pm to 4:30pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 12:30 pm, then 1:30pm to 6pm
- Wednesday: Closed
- Thursday: 9am to 12:30 pm, then 1:30pm to 5:30pm
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Library is on one level
- Ramp access suitable for wheelchairs
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
- Reading groups
- Crafting sessions for adults
- Crafting sessions for children
- Family history group
- Games sessions for adults
- Homework club
- IT support drop-in
- Lego club
- Senior social group
- Rhyme time and other preschool groups
Dinnington Library
Dinnington Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Laughton Road, Dinnington, Sheffield S25 2PP
- 01709 334426
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9am to 5:30pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 7pm
- Wednesday: 9am to 5:30pm
- Thursday: 9am to 2pm
- Friday: 9am to 7pm
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Access to lift Registered assistance dogs welcome
- Accessible toilet facility
- Automatic entrance doors
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Car park with marked bay for disabled users
- Ramp access suitable for wheelchairs
- Steps with handrails at the entrance
- Dedicated SEND friendly quieter times
- Cost of living support
- Crafting sessions for adults
- Games sessions for adults
- Support with hearing aids
- Homework club
- IT courses for beginners
- Rhyme time and other preschool groups
- Housing Benefit, Council Tax, Blue Badge & Rothercard appointments
Greasbrough Library
Greasbrough Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Coach Road, Greasbrough, Rotherham S61 4PU
- 01709 551477
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9am to 1pm, then 2pm to 5pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 1pm, then 2pm to 5pm
- Wednesday: Closed
- Thursday: 9am to 1pm, then 2pm to 7pm
- Friday: 9am to 2pm
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Automatic entrance doors
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Library is on one level
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
Greasbrough Library and Neighbourhood Hub (AccessAble.co.uk)
- Support with babies
- Reading groups
- Meetings with councillors
- Support with hearing aids
- Homework club
- IT courses for beginners
- Lego club
- PCSO visits
- Rhyme time and other preschool groups
- RMBC Housing Surgery
- U3A Genealogy Group
Kimberworth Library
Kimberworth Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Church Street, Kimberworth, Rotherham S61 1HA
- 01709 558581
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9:30am to 1pm
- Tuesday: 9:30am to 1pm
- Wednesday: Closed
- Thursday: 1:30pm to 7pm
- Friday: 1:30pm to 5:30pm
- Saturday: 9:30am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Automatic entrance doors
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Library is on one level
- Ramp access suitable for wheelchairs
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
Kimberworth Library and Neighbourhood Hub (AccessAble.co.uk)
- Meetings with councillors
- IT courses for beginners
- Rhyme time and other preschool groups
Kiverton Park Library
Kiveton Park Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Wales Road, Kiveton, Sheffield S26 6RB
- 01909 771823
Citizens Advice Bureau is also based in the library on Mondays by appointment only by contacting: 08082787911
- Tel: 01909 773966
- email: info@kpadvice.org.uk
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9am to 1pm, then 2pm to 6:30pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 1pm
- Wednesday: Closed
- Thursday: 9am to 1pm, then 2pm to 6:30pm
- Friday: 9am to 1pm, then 2pm to 5pm
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Automatic entrance doors
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Library is on one level
- Ramp access suitable for wheelchairs
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
- Dedicated SEND friendly quieter times
- Reading groups
- Crafting sessions for adults
- Crafting sessions for children
- Playstation club
- Homework club
- IT courses for beginners
- Lego club
- Rhyme time
- Games sessions for adults
- Courses for adults
- Coffee mornings and other social events for adults
Maltby Library
Maltby Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Maltby Leisure Centre, Braithwell Rd, Maltby, Rotherham S66 8JE
- 01709 334772
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9am to 7pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 2pm
- Wednesday: 9am to 5:30pm
- Thursday: 9am to 7pm
- Friday: 9am to 5:30pm
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Sunday: 10am to 2pm
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Library is on one level
- Ramp access suitable for wheelchairs
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
- Steps with handrails at the entrance
- Reading groups
- Cost of living support
- Housing Benefit, Council Tax and Blue Badge appointments
- Meetings with councillors
- Crafting sessions for adults
- Lego club
- Senior social group
- Rhyme time and other pre-school groups
- Menopause café
- Fibromyalgia/ME support group
- Diabetes support group
Mowbray Gardens Library
Mowbray Gardens Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- 2 Mowbray Gardens, East Dene, Rotherham S65 2UH
- 01709 370038
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9am to 7pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 2pm
- Wednesday: Closed
- Thursday: 9am to 7pm
- Friday: 9am to 5:30pm
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Sunday: 10am to 2pm
- Accessible toilet facility
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Car park with marked bay for disabled users
- Free Wi-Fi connection
- Library is on one level
- Reading groups
- Cost of living support
- Meetings with councillors
- Crafting sessions for adults
- Creative writing sessions for adults
- Games sessions
- Lego club
- Social group for neurodiverse people
- Senior social groups
- PCSO visits
- Rhyme time and other pre-school groups
- Support with benefits and housing
- Social events for adults
- Dementia friendly café
Rawmarsh Library
Rawmarsh Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Barbers Avenue, Rotherham S62 6AE
- 01709 255682
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9am to 5:30pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 5:30pm
- Wednesday: 9am to 5:30pm
- Thursday: 9am to 5:30pm
- Friday: 9am to 5pm
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Library is on one level
- Ramp access suitable for wheelchairs
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
- Steps with handrails at the entrance
- Dedicated SEND friendly quieter times
Rawmarsh Library and Customer Service Centre (AccessAble.co.uk)
- Support with babies
- Reading groups
- Meetings with councillors
- Crafting sessions for adults
- Crafting sessions for children
- Homework club
- IT courses for beginners
- Lego club
- Rhyme time and other pre-school groups
- Support with employment
- SEND sensory sessions
- Social events for adults
Riverside Library
Riverside Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Main Street, Rotherham S60 1AE
- 01709 823606
Opening Hours
- Monday: 8:30am to 7pm
- Tuesday: 8:30am to 5:30pm
- Wednesday: 8:30am to 5:30pm
- Thursday: 8:30am to 7pm
- Friday: 8:30am to 5:30pm
- Saturday: 9am to 4pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Accessible toilet facility
- Automatic entrance doors
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Car park with marked bay for disabled users
- Free Wi-Fi connection
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
- Reading groups
- Knit and natter group
- National careers service
- Lego club
- Social groups for neurodiverse people
- Rhyme time and other pre-school groups
- Coffee mornings and other social events for adults
- Rotherham Youth Cabinet
- Writing groups for teens and adults
- English lessons for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
- IT courses for beginners
- Family history group
Swinton Library
Swinton Library and Neighbourhood Hub
The building is currently closed until the opening of a newly refurbished library building later this year. Reduced library services are available at Swinton Civic Hall.
- Swinton Civic Hall, Station Street, Swinton, Rotherham S64 8PZ
- 01709 582126
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9am to 6pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 5pm
- Wednesday: 9am to 5pm
- Thursday: 9am to 5pm
- Friday: 9am to 5pm
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Dedicated SEND friendly quieter times
- Reading groups
- Meetings with councillors
- Crafting sessions for adults
- Lego club
- Rhyme time and other pre-school groups
There will be no ICT access for customers until the new library opens.
Thorpe Hesley Library
Thorpe Hesley Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Sough Hall Avenue, Thorpe Hesley, Rotherham S61 2QJ
- 0114 2457027
Opening Hours
- Monday: 1:30pm to 4:30pm
- Tuesday: 9:30am to 12:30pm, then 1:30pm to 7pm
- Wednesday: Closed
- Thursday: 9:30am to 12:30pm, then 1:30pm to 7pm
- Friday: 9:30am to 1pm
- Saturday: 9:30am to 12pm
- Sunday: 9:30am to 12pm
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Car park with marked bay for disabled users
- Library is on one level
- Ramp access suitable for wheelchairs
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
- Reading groups
- Homework club
- IT courses for beginners
- Lego club
- Rhyme time and other pre-school groups
- Knit & Natter
- Coffee morning following Rhymetime
Thurcroft Library
Thurcroft Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Green Arbour Road, Thurcroft, Rotherham S66 9DD
- 01709 546150
Opening Hours
- Monday: 1:30pm to 7pm
- Tuesday: 10am to 12:30pm, then 1:30pm to 5pm
- Wednesday: Closed
- Thursday: 10am to 12:30pm
- Friday: 10am to 12:30pm
- Saturday: 9:30am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Car park with marked bay for disabled users
- Library is on one level
- Ramp access suitable for wheelchairs
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
- Reading groups
- Code club
- Crafting sessions for children
- Family history group
- Lego and games club
- Homework club
- IT courses for beginners
- Rhyme time
Wath Library
Wath Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- Montgomery Square, Wath, Rotherham S63 7RZ
- 01709 873542
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9am to 5pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 5pm
- Wednesday: 9am to 5pm
- Thursday: 9am to 7pm
- Friday: 9am to 5pm
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Automatic entrance doors
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Car park with marked bay for disabled users
- Library offers access to lift
- Ramp access suitable for wheelchairs
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
- Dedicated SEND friendly quieter times
- Reading groups
- Cost of living support
- Meetings with councillors
- Crafting sessions for adults
- Crafting session for children
- Family history group
- Support with hearing aids
- Lego club
- Senior social groups
- Rhyme time and other pre-school groups
- Yoga classes
Wickersley Library
Wickersley Library and Neighbourhood Hub
- 286 Bawtry Road, Wickersley, Rotherham S66 1JJ
- 01709 544134
Opening Hours
- Monday: 9am to 5pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 5pm
- Wednesday: 9am to 1pm
- Thursday: 9am to 7pm
- Friday: 9am to 1pm
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Accessible toilet facility
- Automatic entrance doors
- Breastfeeding friendly premises
- Car park with marked bay for disabled users
- Library offers access to lift
- Ramp access suitable for wheelchairs
- Registered assistance dogs welcome
- Steps with handrails at the entrance
- Reading groups
- Crafting sessions for adults
- Games sessions for adults
- Homework club
- IT courses for beginners
- Courses for adults
- IT support drop-in
- Lego club
- Rhyme time and other pre-school groups
South Yorkshire Police’s Autism Alert Card
The wallet-sized alert card is designed to identify the bearer as being on the autistic spectrum and lists a brief summary of their challenges/difficulties as well as the names and phone numbers of two people – relatives, friends, or support workers – who can be contacted to help them. The cards will also feature a picture of the cardholder.
In an urgent or difficult situation, cardholders can show the alert card to members of the police, other emergency services personnel and transport staff. There is no age restriction, anyone with proof of their autism diagnosis can apply and there’s no charge for card issue. Previously our branch issued similar alert cards, however Rotherham Police’s new scheme involves the force taking responsibility for processing card applications as well as issuing the cards.
How to request an application form
request an application form please email Autism_Alert_Card@southyorks.pnn.police.uk or get in touch with our branch on nasrotherhambranch@nas.org.uk Once you have received your application form, please:
- Complete the application form
- Attach a copy of the cardholder’s autism diagnosis
- Enclose a recent, passport-sized photograph of the cardholder
- Send all the documents via post to:
Autism Alert Card
Kea Park Close
S66 8LB
Once your application has been processed you will be asked to collect your card in person, or alternatively someone else can collect it on your behalf. If you have any questions about the alert card scheme, please get in touch with Autism_Alert_Card@southyorks.pnn.police.uk
Travel and transport
You can get information about help with travel on the following pages:
Travel Assistance
This page has information about school transport and travel including
- a link to apply for travel assistance
- what happens after Year 11
- a link to Rotherham transport policies
Travelling around
This page has advice for young people, including
- advice on using public transport
- travel training
- applying for a travel pass
Accessible travel on public transport – Travel South Yorkshire
This page on the Travel South Yorkshire website inclues advice on
- Journey Assistance Cards
- Door2Door
- Mobility Scooters
- Talking buses in Sheffield
- Station and interchange accessibility
Online safety
Being online can be positive for children and young people; including those with SEND provided they know how to keep safe. However, children and young people with SEND are more likely than their peers to be at risk of cyber bullying, online grooming and exploitation.
Evidence shows that children and young people with SEND can often explain how to keep safe but can be less able to take steps to avoid risk and harm.
The links to websites below provide further advice and tips for children and their families on how to keep safe when online.
Supporting children and young with SEND online (internetmatters.org)
Online safety for children with SEND (nspcc.org.uk)
Promoting online safety for children (childrenssociety.org.uk)