Here is a list of services which may be of help while waiting for response from CAMHS for mental health support.
Rotherham services
RotherHive is an online resource that provides support and verified information for local adults within Rotherham who require support from the following services:
- Addictions
- well-being
- mental health services.
It has been developed by the NHS Rotherham CCG.
Whether you’re concerned about yourself or a loved one, RotherHive has practical tips, national, local, and online services, organisations and groups that adults in Rotherham can access for expert advice to help you look after your mental health and well-being.
You can access RotherHive by clicking the link below:
RotherHive – The wellbeing and mental health resource for Rotherham (
Rotherham CAMHS Website
This website provides a variety of resources, self-help information and useful links:
Welcome to Rotherham CAMHS (
Rotherham CAMHS/ Parent Plus eClinic app
A free instant messaging service for young people aged 11 to 18 years to self-refer and a drop-in clinic for parents, carers & professionals. The CAMHS website has more information:
Rotherham eClinics (
Discuss the difficulties with your child’s school. Lots of support can be provided or arranged by School. Resources and more information is available on the Local Offer under Support in Education.
There is additional information on the SENDCO Rotherham website
Understanding SEMH needs (
Rotherham Early Help
Support, prevention and early intervention for children and families. There is more information about this service on the Local Offer: Early Help and Social Care
Contact on 01709 334905 or via the Early help pages on the Rotherham Council website:
Rotherham Evidenced-Based Hub
Range of parenting programmes (online and face to face) to support family life. There is more information about the courses available in Rotherham online:
Positive parenting courses in Rotherham (
Rotherham Parent Carer Forum
A registered charity run by and for families of children and young people aged 0 to 25 who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities. See their website for more information:
Rotherham Parent Carers Forum (
Contact on 01709 296262
Individual support for children with special educational needs including helping communication with schools and other services involved. See their website for more information:
Rotherham SENDIASS (
Contact on 01709 823627
National services
Children’s Sleep Charity
Award winning Charity supporting children with sleep issues. There is more information on their website:
Children (
Contact on 01302 751 416 or
For young people aged 11 to 25. Kooth is a safe, confidential and anonymous way for young people and young adults to access emotional wellbeing and early intervention mental health support. Offering personalised support with short waiting lists and no thresholds.
Online counselling is available through the website:
Young Minds
This is a national website which provides a variety of resources, self-help information and useful links.
Young Minds (
This is a national website which provides free educational resources for families and professionals.