Wednesday 26th June, from 4pm to 7pm at Riverside House:
The Employment Solutions team are hosting an information event for young people and providers interested in Supported Internships.
The event will be held in the café area at Riverside House on Wednesday 26 June from 4pm to 7pm.
Supported Internships are a great opportunity for young people aged 16 to 24 years, with an Education, Health and Care Plan to take part in a work-based study programme, in a supported environment.
The Employment Solutions team and providers will be on hand at the event to talk about the opportunities available across the borough.
If you know of any young people interested then please encourage them to book a place by clicking below.
Supported Internship Awareness Event – Wednesday 26th June.
To watch a video featuring Supported Interns at the Council click below.
Supported Internships in Rotherham (YouTube).

There is more information about Supported internships on the Local Offer: