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Rotherham EHC Hub – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Parent, Carer, Guardian, Young Person or Family Advocate

Do I need an account on the EHC Hub to request a needs assessment?

No, an account is not required. Once you’ve made a request, and provided you’ve given us your email address, the local authority will invite you to register an account to contribute further information and track progress of your request.

What happens if I forget my password?

There is a link on the hub’s homepage to securely reset your password at any time.

Will I receive updates on my child’s case?

Yes, you will receive an email whenever a stage is complete or you’re requested to provide information or views.

Do I have to use the EHC Hub?

Not if you do not wish to. Your views, contributions and all other available information and details of progress can be provided with the assistance of the SENCo in your child’s school or the coordinator within the local authority.

Is the EHC Hub secure and who can see my child’s details?

The hub is secured by two factor authentication and offers the same level of protection as would be expected of online banking services. Access to any child’s details is by invitation only and controlled by the local authority. When viewing your child’s information you are able to see the names of all other parties that have been invited to view or contribute towards the case.

How do I know what should be happening next and by when?

Next steps and key dates are clearly displayed in the hub at all stages of the process.

If my child already has a plan, can we use the EHC Hub?

Yes. Your child’s plan will be reviewed using the hub so you can contribute and track progress.

Who should I contact if I have any questions about the EHC Hub?

Please contact our team via email;


Who should I contact if I have any questions about the EHC Hub?

Please contact our team via email;

If I’m requested to provide advice towards a Needs Assessment, when is the advice due?

Six weeks from the date of the request. If allocated to provide advice within a team, the deadline remains six weeks even if the allocation within the team is completed later than the date of the request for advice.

Will I be reminded of the deadline?

Yes, a notification will be provided to the individual and team within the EHC Hub and by email if advice is not provided after four weeks. A further notification is provided it the request becomes overdue.

How are advice requests made to a team allocated to individuals?

Designated “manager(s)” within the team can log in to the EHC Hub and choose one or more team members to provide advice on behalf of the team.

How can a team see requests for advice that require allocation?

A designated “manager” has access to a ‘Team Cases’ work tray and includes a filter for “Awaiting Allocation” to quickly access those requests that require attention.

Link to the EHC Hub

Click the link below to access the EHC Hub.

Rotherham EHC Hub

You can request a needs assessment through the Hub without having registered an account. You will need to log in with your user name and password if you want to track a request.

Feedback form

Local Offer Feedback Form

Local Offer Feedback Form

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Name (If you answered yes)

How would you rate your experience?
Please let us know what you like or dislike about our website so we can improve the service we provide. Please note that the more detail you provide, the better we can help with any concerns or problems you may have.
Enter your email if you'd like us to contact you regarding your feedback.
Thank you for submitting your feedback!