Local Area SEND Inspection
The local area Ofsted and CQC SEND inspection 0-25, across health, education, and care in Rotherham was announced on the 16th September. Inspectors will be on site in Rotherham from September 30th, 2024, to October 4th, 2024.
This link from the Gov.uk website will provide further information, including a video, easy read, information for parent carers, children, and young people – Area SEND inspections: information about ongoing inspections – Area SEND inspections: information about ongoing inspections – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Click this link to share your views with Ofsted via online surveys for parents carers, children, and young people; please note that the survey is now open and will close at 9am on September 24th, 2024 – Area SEND inspection for Rotherham Local Area Partnership (smartsurvey.co.uk)
If you have more than one child with SEND please complete for each child/young person.
It is important parent carers, children and young people share their experiences to help the inspection team to know what is working well in Rotherham and what needs to be better for SEND children, young people and their families. The inspection team will use the information gathered to inform their questions and help them to know where to look when meeting with people in the local area. The survey is anonymous; you can share as much or as little information as you would like.
Some of the things the inspectors focus on include:
Please check the RPCF website and/or the Rotherham local offer for more updates as the inspection progresses.
As always, thank you for contributing your lived experience to make a difference.