Table of Contents

Responding to need – Education settings

In this section you will find information about support in schools and the graduated response.

The Rotherham SENDCO website has information about identifying and supporting special educational needs in schools:

Sendco Rotherham – Special educational needs and disabilities resources for professionals

See the section on Practical support for identifying and meeting need which covers aspects of needs in the following areas:

Supporting documents

The following documents have previously provided Information for Education settings regarding the graduated response to need:

File nameExtension
Graduated response guidance (2016)DOCX
Dyscalculia (2017)PDF
Dyslexia (2017)PDF
Hearing impairment (2017)PDF
Moderate learning difficulties (2017)PDF
Physical needs (2017)PDF
Social communication and autism spectrum (2017)PDF
Visual impairment (2017)PDF
Dyspraxia (2017)PDF

Feedback form

Local Offer Feedback Form

Local Offer Feedback Form

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