Table of Contents

Do you have a learning disability or autism? If so, Healthwatch Rotherham want to hear from you!

If you have a learning disability or autism, Healthwatch Rotherham want to hear from you. They want to learn about how you feel GPs, hospitals and dentists care for you. They want to know who is getting things right and providing you with great care, and who isn’t so good. Where you feel care is not good, what needs to be better? This survey is to give you a voice to tell health services what you feel good care looks like. They can then make changes so that they can make care better.

If you work or care for someone with a learning disability or autism who is unable to access the survey unaided, Healthwatch Rotherham would really appreciate you helping them by entering their answers for them.

They are also keen to hear from healthcare professionals about their experiences and how they feel that their workplace meets the needs of those with learning disabilities and/or autism. They would love to hear any examples of good practice as well as any concerns you may have.  They don’t need to know your name or where you work, just the area of healthcare you work in.

Complete survey 

The closing date for the consultation is the end of May 2024.

Feedback form

Local Offer Feedback Form

Local Offer Feedback Form

Are you completing this as a:
Would you like to be involved in further work around improving the Local Offer?
Name (If you answered yes)
Name (If you answered yes)

How would you rate your experience?
Please let us know what you like or dislike about our website so we can improve the service we provide. Please note that the more detail you provide, the better we can help with any concerns or problems you may have.
Enter your email if you'd like us to contact you regarding your feedback.
Thank you for submitting your feedback!