Table of Contents

Consultation on Short Breaks now live!

The Rotherham Council want to hear from you about short breaks services. If you currently access a short breaks service for your child, share your experiences with us by completing an online survey.

There is one survey is for children to complete and one for parent/carers to complete.

Here are the links to the surveys:

The closing date for the consultation is 22nd May 2024.

Feedback form

Local Offer Feedback Form

Local Offer Feedback Form

Are you completing this as a:
Would you like to be involved in further work around improving the Local Offer?
Name (If you answered yes)
Name (If you answered yes)

How would you rate your experience?
Please let us know what you like or dislike about our website so we can improve the service we provide. Please note that the more detail you provide, the better we can help with any concerns or problems you may have.
Enter your email if you'd like us to contact you regarding your feedback.
Thank you for submitting your feedback!