Hearing Impairment Team: Spring newsletter 2025

The HI team have produced their first newsletter for 2025. It has information about social events, resource provisions and other news. For more information about the Hearing Impairment Team, see their section on the Local Offer: Education and Childcare – Hearing Impairment (VI) Team

SEND Sufficiency Termly Newsletter

Here is the first edition of the SEND sufficiency termly newsletter. This newsletter will keep parents, carers, and professionals informed about the ongoing transformation inSpecial Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision across Rotherham. For more information about SEND sufficiency, see this section on the Local Offer: About SEND

NHS Easy read and plain English newsletters

The NHS make newsletters to tell you about what they are doing to make the NHS better for people with a learning disability and autistic people. This issue includes information about: Read the Easy read and plain English newsletter: number 18. If you want them to post you a paper copy just let them know […]

Waiting for a response from CAMHS?

Here is a list of services which may be of help while waiting for response from CAMHS for mental health support. Rotherham services RotherHive RotherHive is an online resource that provides support and verified information for local adults within Rotherham who require support from the following services: It has been developed by the NHS Rotherham […]

Whooping Cough

Whooping Cough is an illness caused by a bacteria called pertussis. It spreads between people easily. Please click here to see more information on Whooping Cough.

Visual Impairment Team: Summer newsletter 2024

The VI team have produced their summer newsletter for 2024. It has information about social events, a competition and other news. For more information about the Visual Impairment Team, see their section on the Local Offer: Education and Childcare – Visual Impairment (VI) Team

Extended 111 service will help those in mental health crisis in Rotherham

People living in Rotherham, Doncaster or North Lincolnshire will now be able to access urgent mental health support directly via NHS 111 at any time of the day or night. The local mental health crisis line, managed by Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) can now be accessed via NHS 111 ‘select […]

National shortage of ADHD medication

The below message has been sent to Rotherham Head Teachers and SENCO’s on behalf of Rotherham ICB. Dear Head teacher and SENDCO Re. NATIONAL SHORTAGE OF ADHD MEDICATION As you may have heard in the press, there is currently a supply problem with a range of widely prescribed ADHD medication. This is a national issue […]

Rotherham Safe Space

Rotherham Safe Space will be open on Mondays from 23rd October 2023. The space is open from 6pm-midnight, Friday-Monday, offering hope and support for adults in crisis. To refer yourself, please call freephone 0808 175 3991 between 6-7pm on the night you want to visit. Do you want to refer someone you work with to […]