Adult mental health services (Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust)
Adult mental health services in Rotherham are delivered by Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDASH). For more information about the range of services provided and how to access these, click on the link below:
Adult Mental Health Services (RDaSH.nhs.uk)
Bluebell Wood Hospice
The hospice aims to deliver a range of support for children and young people with life limiting conditions, including respite/short breaks.
Unfortunately, it is only able to offer a reduced service at the current time.
For more information, click here https://www.bluebellwood.org/
CAMHS (Child and adolescent mental health services)
Rotherham Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) provides advice and support to children and young people aged 5 to 19 years as well as to their families, carers and professionals working with them.
It includes the ‘With me in mind’ team which provides school based support in some of Rotherham’s schools as part of a national project. For more information on this, click below
With me in Mind – CAMHS (rRDaSH.nhs.uk)
Where a need is identified, CAMHS offers mental health assessments, therapy and interventions for children and young people. It also offered neurodevelopmental assessments (including for Autism and ADHD).
For more information about all of the services delivered by CAMHS, click below:
CAMHS Rotherham (RDaSH.nhs.uk)
If a child or young person is having a mental health crisis, click the link below for how to get help quickly
Help in a crisis or out of hours – CAMHS (RDaSH.nhs.uk)
Child development centre (CDC)
The CDC provides a ‘one stop shop’ for children under 5 who are having difficulties in more than one area of their development. The team works closely with families to:
- Assess how children are doing in different areas of development
- Try to find the underlying cause of any difficulties that a child is having
- Provide support and therapy (if needed) to help children make progress
- Make sure families are supported and know about other services that may be helpful.
Referrals are accepted from a range of different practitioners including health visitors and speech and language therapists. For more information about the CDC click below:
Child Development Centre (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
Continence service
The continence service supplies continence products for eligible children, young people and adults in Rotherham. For over 18s, it also has an advice service. For more information about how to contact the team, click below:
Continence advisory service (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
Community dental service
The Community Dental Service is an NHS service providing dental advice and treatment for children and adults with specialised treatment needs, including children and young people with:
- Anxiety and challenging behaviour
- Learning and/or physical disabilities
- Complex medical needs
- Complex social issues affecting access to care
- Severe mental health problems
Referrals to the service can be made by dentists, doctors, social workers and other health professionals.
For more information, click below:
Dental service (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
Community nursing services
Children’s community nursing
Children’s community nursing services cover the 0-19 yr age range. They provide nursing care to children in their own homes as well as helping to support children with medical needs at school through care planning and training. They work closely with families and other people involved in a child’s care, including special schools.
For more information, click below:
Children’s Community Nursing Team (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
Adult community nursing
There is a district nursing service for adults who need care at home to manage their medical needs. For more information, click below:
District nursing (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
Community paediatricians
The community paediatricians are children’s doctors who work with 0-19 year olds who:
- Have a number of different health conditions, disabilities or complex medical needs. For these children and young people they provide medical care and work closely with other specialists to make sure that care is well co-ordinated
- Are experiencing developmental, learning or behaviour problems – and where medical assessment and advice might help with planning the best way forward.
They also:
- Provide medical advice if children are assessed for an Education, Health and Care Plan (working with their specialist EHCP nurse).
- Assess and manage the health needs of children who are placed in foster care or are going through the adoption process.
- Run Rotherham’s enuresis clinics which help children and young people who are struggling with wetting.
Children and young people are referred to the service by other health practitioners such as health visitors, GPs, hospital doctors and therapists.
The doctors are based at Rotherham Hospital but work in community clinics, the children’s outpatients’ department, the child development centre and in special schools. You can contact them on 01709 426379.
see Community dental service above
DIVERT – Rotherham substance misuse and support service
DIVERT is a specialist substance misuse support service for young people aged up to 18 affected by drugs or alcohol living in Rotherham. They provide free and confidential advice and offer support across Rotherham to ensure that young people can access help in a place that works for them. The service also offers targeted group work and training for professionals.
For more information, click below:
Ear care and audiology service
Audiology offers a wide range of adult and children’s hearing assessment and therapy services, including a variety of hearing aids, tinnitus and balance counselling. There is also a nurse-led ear care service.
Clinics are held at Rotherham Community Health Centre and Rotherham Hospital.
For more information, click below:
Ear care and audiology services (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
Eating disorders
See SYEDA: South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association below
GPs look after the health of people in their local community and deal with a whole range of health problems. GPs usually work in practices as part of a team which includes nurses, healthcare assistants, practice managers, receptionists and other staff. Practices also work closely with other healthcare professionals such as health visitors, midwives and social services.
Hospital services
Rotherham Hospital provides a range of services from birth onwards. For more information about hospital care in Rotherham – and the other services provided by Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust – click below:
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
KOOTH online support for mental wellbeing
Rotherham has commissioned KOOTH to deliver an online mental wellbeing support service aimed at all young people aged 11 to 25. It provides online information and support, including the option of 1:1 online chat with a trained counsellor. No referral is needed.
Click here for more information: https://www.kooth.com/
Learning disability service (Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust)
The adult learning disabilities team provides specialist health assessment and therapeutic intervention for adults with a learning disability and primary health need from the age of 18 years throughout their lifespan.
The Community Learning Disability Team is a multi-disciplinary team that brings together the following disciplines: art psychotherapy, nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychiatry, clinical psychology, speech and language therapy and support workers.
They work into a number of clinical pathways:
- Learning Disability and Targeted Intervention
- Learning Disability and Autism
- Learning Disability and Complex Physical Health Needs
- Growing Old with a Learning Disability Pathway
- Learning Disability and Positive Behaviour Support
- Learning Disability and Mental Health
The service will visit service users in their own homes or other relevant community locations. Sometimes people may be asked to attend the clinic.
They are based at 220 Badsley Moor Lane, reception is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
They also provide a duty nurse at weekends and bank holidays for any urgent advice and support. This is available between 08:00 and 18:00hrs and is accessed via the mental health crisis team.
Referrals can be made to the service via the Doncaster (RDaSH) Single Point of Access (SPA).
- Tel: 0800 804 8999
- Email: doncaster.SPA@nhs.net
For all other enquiries the service can be contacted directly Monday to Friday via reception on 0300 021 5220.
For more information click below:
Learning Disability Services (RDaSH.nhs.uk)
Medequip (specialist equipment)
Medequip supply specialist equipment, such as walkers, seating systems and standers, for children and young people. They also maintain and repair equipment.
Requests for specialist equipment come via a health practitioner (usually an occupational therapists or physiotherapist) who will make a recommendation based on their assessment.
For more information and contact details for Medequip, click the link below:
Rotherham Equipment & Wheelchair Service (medequip-uk.com)
Mental Health
See the following services above
- Adult mental health services
- CAMHS (Child and adolescent mental health services)
- KOOTH online support for mental wellbeing
Nursing services
See the following nursing services above:
- Children’s community nursing
- Adult community nursing
Nutrition and dietetic service
Children’s dietitians help babies, children and teenagers to eat and drink well. They support children and their families where nutrition and special diets can be part of their treatment. If a child or young person isn’t growing well, has difficulty feeding, or needs a special diet, they may be referred to a dietitian for help.
For more information about the service in Rotherham, click below:
Nutrition and dietetics (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
Occupational therapy (OT)
An occupational therapist can help people of all ages when physical and mental illness, disability, long-term condition is preventing them from doing the activities they need or want to do. An occupational therapist will help them to find ways around the barriers that are affecting them.
In Rotherham, there are a number of different teams which include occupational therapists:
For more information, see the Therapy services page on the Local Offer: Therapy services
Orthoptics is a speciality within Ophthalmology.
An Orthoptist assesses vision, alignment of the eyes, eye movements and how the eyes work as a pair together, called binocular vision.
We work with an Ophthalmologist to assess young children for glasses and other conditions related to the eyes. We test children and adults of all ages and abilities including those with Special needs.
Children can be referred into Ophthalmology or Orthoptics from Vision screening, from the Child Development Centre (CDC) or from their GP or Optician.
Adults are referred from their GP or Optician.
Vision screening is offered to all children aged 4-5 years old in Rotherham it is primarily done in school in Foundation Stage 2 and includes all of the Special Schools.
Vision screening is a pass or fail test. If your child passes, we would recommend yearly tests with a high street Optician as they get older; all eye tests are free for children up to the age of 16 years.
If your child fails or cannot complete vision screening, they will be referred into Ophthalmology to see an Orthoptist.
Orthoptics and Ophthalmology is part of the Hospital NHS Trust but is now based in Rotherham Community Health Centre.
Further information can be found on the following links:
What is an Orthoptist? (orthoptics.org.uk)
Ophthalmology (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
The orthotics service treat patients by providing orthoses (e.g. callipers, specialist footwear, head and neck supports) to aid movement, correct deformity, help heal injuries and relieve pain and discomfort. They work very closely work the physiotherapy and occupational therapy teams and run clinics from some of the special schools in Rotherham (for those children and young people at the school). They also run clinics at Rotherham hospital.
For more information, click below:
Orthotics (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
See Community paediatricians above
Physiotherapists promote health and wellbeing, treating a range of physical conditions. They provide individual assessment and then offer support which can take a number of different forms including general advice, exercise programmes, direct therapy, training and recommendations for specialist equipment.
In Rotherham, there are a number of different teams which include physiotherapists:
For more information, see the Therapy services page on the Local Offer: Therapy services
Sexual health services
This service offers safe and confidential advice for anyone over the age of 16, and if a young person has any questions about contraception methods or something doesn’t feel right, they can talk to a member of the team by calling 01709 427777 or by going online and accessing information on the website.
For more information, click below:
Rotherham Sexual Health Services (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)
SYEDA: South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association
This service offers support for mild-moderate level need.
If you have any queries, get in touch on info@syeda.org.uk
For young people (age 11+): professionals & schools can refer through the
SYEDA website.
Adults can refer via the self-referral form on the SYEDA website.
SYEDA also offer training to healthcare and education professionals across Rotherham, and workshops in schools – email education@syeda.org.uk for details.
Website: www.syeda.org.uk
Tel: 0114 272 882
For more information, you can download the flyer on Eating Disorder Services in Rotherham
SYEDA: Eating Disorder Services in Rotherham
Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and language therapists see people who have speech, language and communication difficulties. They offer assessment, diagnosis, advice and sometimes direct therapy sessions. Their aim is to help individuals develop the best possible communication skills, taking into account their individual needs, difficulties and abilities.
Speech and language therapists can also help with swallowing, eating and drinking difficulties.
In Rotherham, there are a number of different teams which include speech and language therapists:
For more information, see the Therapy services page on the Local Offer: Therapy services
Substance misuse services
See Divert – Rotherham substance misuse and support service above
Wheelchair services
Wheelchair services for both children and adults in Rotherham are provided by Blatchford’s. Referral for a wheelchair assessment can be made by a range of health practitioners e.g. physiotherapist, occupational therapist, GP.
Assessments are carried out via video assessment or in Blatchford’s fully equipped clinic facilities. Assessments can also be carried out at work, school or home dependent on needs and equipment requirements.
The single point of access for all appointments, repairs and queries is 01709 916889
Or click here cabsl.rotherhamwheelchairservices@nhs.net
Young adult transition team (physical disability)
The Young Adult Transitional Team (YATT) provides information, support and practical help to young people aged between 16 and 25 who have a physical disability. The aim is to bridge the gap between children’s and adult services and to empower young people where possible to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing. The team is made up of a physiotherapist and occupational therapist. They will see young people their homes or any other convenient location.
The team works holistically to meet the varied needs of their clients and help them achieve goals that are relevant and important to their lives.
Telephone: 01709 254647 / 07900 918193
0-19 public health nursing service (includes health visitors and school nurses)
The 0-19 service brings together the care provided by health visitors, school nurses, the health promotion team, early attachment service and young parents’ team.
Working with other agencies, their aim is to:
- Provide parents with the advice and support they need to make sure their children make progress in their development, keep healthy and stay safe
- Promote healthy lifestyles through working in schools and providing advice and support for young people
You can get in contact with them on their central helpline which is open from 9.00 to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. The number is 01709 423333.
For more information about the services they provide, click below:
0-19 Integrated Public Health Nursing Service (therotherhamft.nhs.uk)